Every application is treated with the utmost care. Your dream of becoming an entertainer must be as important to us as it is to you. We are dedicated to helping make it your reality.
« After years training individuals, we know who will succeed and those who are still asleep. »
Our entry requirements are designed to weed out those applicants who cannot and will not be able to meet all the rigorous demands this undertaking requires. The dedication, drive and hard work of our students must be unswerving.
• Be a Canadian Citizen, age 21 or over and have resided in Canada for the past 12 months.
• Be choosing to engage in the study of Magic as a career choice in the entertainment field and NOT as a hobby or part-time anything!
• Possess the financial and emotional maturity required to pursue a program of studies that will become all consuming and be the priority in your life for a period of one year or more,